I am a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 19 and my teacher is Mr Harris.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Merry Christmas...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When My Uncle Shannon Came here to new Zealand they went to see my Cousin Lily it was great to hear that she was doing great it was good to hear that. When it was Guy Forks my Uncle told me that they went to see Lily up north with her brother. They went to go and see them because they a going to take care of them when the caregivers give Cruz and Lily to My Uncle Shannon and Auntie Bell. When I heard that there were photos of her on facebook I had went straight on line and had a look at the photos here a some photos of what she looks like now. I'm gald to hear and I hope that I see her again. I LOVE YOU LILY AND CRUZIE.
Friday, December 3, 2010
My Uncles and Auntys Trip from Auzie...

Just when it hit dark we all went downstairs we lit the fire works and I went to the car and bring out the big ones it was mean we had an awesome time. Few minutes later we lit the big ones it was other amazing experience. Soon I went to crab my fire work and I lit it I went away and it went up very fast. We stayed there for 4 or 5 hours and then went home it was a great weekend because we went to my aunties house the next day.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mairangi bay

On Friday Year 7s went to Mairangi Bay for a surf Life saving Education. Just when we arrived at the beach we were waiting down stairs for the Lifeguard Rosie to tell us to come up stairs when we went up stairs we walked in to a warm club house where it wasn't cold like down stairs when we were inside we put our bags in a small space. There were 3 lifeguards standing in front of us they had introduced there selves to us when they told us about them selves they were also telling us about surf life saving and how to keep our selves safe in the water when where in danger.
When we finished listening to the lifeguards we went down stairs. Later on that day we played some games they were Octopus and Captains Coming. It was almost Interval we headed up stairs to get our lunch we only had 15 minute's to play.
1 of the Lifeguards blew there whistle and we all gathered around Miss M we went and got changed for swimming I was watching them grab the tubes and boogie boards the Boys had the boogie boards and the girls had the tubes they headed out to the beach and hoped in the water I wasn't going to have a swim but everyone was having fun I was getting bored siting and watching them have all that fun so I called Shontal to come by me and stay with me when we were in the water all the waves were splashing me and the water was coming up to my waist so as soon as I was right in I went under the water. I forgot my T-shirt was white so it was see through like Oceans Rachael covered us every time we had to get out of the water and switch equipment so the Girls had the boogie boards when that was over we got some free time before we went back to school. After free time we went to the bathrooms and got changed we got called to hurry up and get out because the bus was there I was the only one in the bathroom.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Athletics Recount...
Wow!!!! Athletics was awesome we had a great time and this year was one of my best years hope its much more better next year.
On Wednesday the 10Th of November we had Athletics our first activity was softball throw I ended up looking for a hat so i missed out on softball throws but I tried Shoot put it was my turn and I didn’t make it in but that’s OK because after that we moved on to High Jump.
Finally High Jump I was Happy because that was my favorite activity out of all the activity's that we done that day. It was my turn and I tired hard and harder to get into the final 3 well I was happy because I had done better then I had when I was practising I had kept on knocking over the pole. But when I had Jumped I had a lot of encouragement and strength to get over to the other side of the pole. Soon I had made it in to the finals, !!! Ya!!! 2Nd equal with Victoria I was amazed and I enjoyed it a lot. Moving on to Spirits.
Whoop Whoop!!!! Spirits finally we a doing spirits I said, we lined up heading towards the tracks for us to race on we sat down then got put into spots on the tracks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 We got ready and the clapper went off, off we go just hit the finish line woo that was tough I was hoping to get into the finals. It was our next race I got up and got ready to race again this time I was happy because I came 4Th or 3Nd Because I came one of those I was in the Finals again just like last year.
We finished we had morning tea and after morning tea we headed straight to Javelin the 12 year old’s started first I was 2Nd in line Yeah my turn was up I got up got ready and throw the Javelin I came 1st then Gabby came 2Nd and Victoria came 3Nd about 20 minutes later we had a challenge and I went up to challenge the rest of the girls This time I came 2Nd it was OK unless I didn't go to the back of the line and come 5Th. Soon we finished.
We went straight to Discus when It was getting to me I didn’t come anything but I didn't mine.
When we finished we had lunch and it was exciting because we had the finals for spirits and relays I was in the Spirits we raced twice on the first race I walked on the second race I had came 4Th that was better than coming last twice in a row. Ya!!! The Relays were coming up this is the best part because we earn more points for our group. When they got ready to race the teachers came to race as well it was funny takitimu was winning at first and our group ended up racing the teachers some fell over. Well that my day and I had a great day.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
ChristChurch Earthquake...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Our First Time Trying Our Netbooks...

Yay!!! We Fianlly got our Netbooks we just got them on tuesday and we have been using them for about 2 days now so I'm Glad. I'm So Happy to Have A Netbook and its great because we get to work on it More offen. I Like to Thank Mrs and Mr Burt for all there help to get these Netbooks we a so grateful so Thank you we a Happy to Have yous as our Teachers and Princpal.
I like these Netbooks because their Small and Way better so we can use these and take them Home next year , thats going to be exicting and I can't wait. Now we get to post more Offen as well as chating to other People like Best Friends as well as Draftwriting on our Google Docs.
I'm Proud that we have our Netbooks and can't wait till next year so we can take them home...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Giant Wetas can grow over 50mm long and weigh as much much as 25 grams. Although fearsome looking they a actually with dough seal and there diet is largely vegetarian. It leads a solitary not eternal life spending the day in habitation or under day.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Did you Know


On the last week of school, I went to a tangi up north in Waima so I couldn't come to school for a week because my Uncle passed away. My mum told me to choose where I will be when we go up to the Marae. I had to choose out of the Kitchen or Marae to listen to the Kaia Korero. My choice was in the Kitchen because I like to do the dishes.
Once we got up north, we were all standing at the back of the coffin because when we go inside the coffin needs to be down on the mat. Well we were waiting the Kai karanga came out to welcome us in. We got in and went in a line and waited for the whanau to hongi the rest of our whanau that were there. When it started to get dark I went to the kitchen to see if my mum wanted help. She said no so I went to my Cousin Ronnie to see what she was doing. She was playing handball with Jahmon and Desman my other Cousins. Soon we got bored then we went in the Marae. It was 11:37 and it got darker. I only had half an hour to sleep.
The next day was cool till it hit dark at dark time on Tuesday because we had to toetoko my uncle. We use a stick made with patterns on it. It was special, that was the night I got heaps of sleep because I didn't want to speak but that night I had to speak, I woke up in the middle of the night because my cousin Wayne that teached our Kapa haka group done a haka and he woke heaps of people up with his amazing performance. Then I crashed out when he finished.
Then it was Wednesday, Wednesday was the sad day because that was the day we had to burie my Uncle it was a emotional moment to see him get buried when we went to the simatere I was starting to get happy because my Papa was there there is a photo of him at Tamaki Collage next to the P.E hall well he was there i hadn't seen him for ages. Well all that was over we went back to the Marae it was dark it was cool because everyone went to set up the Kitchen for the people who wanted to have a drink we had Hangi for our Kai it was delicious that night was just getting started well everyone was in the Marae I called them in for a feed My mum was out side in the car she needed a break so I took over Everyone came in and I waited for everyone to have a feed because I was on dishes there were heaps of dishes and My cousin said 'I wouldn't want to be in your spot right now' I didn't mind it was awesome I just didn't have a feed when that was all done my aunty give me some lollies for doing the dishes for everyone I was the only one there most of the Adults were drinking soon I went into the marae and played with my cousins and stayed up all night till we had to go home on the next day and that was my Holiday.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Life Eduction...

In the Life Eduction caravan Room 20 had to do a play a few weeks later before we started to go to life eduction caravan.We learnt about, Making the right choices and how to keep of bodies nice and Safe the main thing we learnt about how drugs can affect your body and how they can be harmful to you.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My explorer...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
MI test...
Friday, August 27, 2010
The yuck thing about smoking...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Last year holidays

On the holidays last year I had an awesome time. I was happy last year on the holidays but miserable at the same time because I had to go to see my auntie at the Court house for the day. I had been waiting outside waiting for the rest of the family to come we were so upset and I had just went in with my mum then I had seen my Family coming so I ran outside to go say Hi. After we went up the elevator to see the lawyer in a small room we went in there to introduce our self's to her. I had also went inside to introduce myself as well when we finished talking about what happened we went outside and sat with the family.
Then we all went inside by the court room to wait to be called in to see my auntie but kids weren't allowed to go in because it was only a adults thing and also kids would make trouble or run around or either scream.
When I had went to go see my auntie the bad thing was I didn't get to actually see my auntie face to face or at all till I went to see her in prison.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Spending Holidays at LIbrary...
In the Holidays I went to the Library with April and Shontal we had a computer that we had booked the day before. We had booked seven computers and used them all up. I went on many websites which was Facebook, Bebo also YouTube listening to songs. Every time I go on Facebook I always enjoy it because I can chat with my family on line. Sometimes I don’t always stay at the Library and decide to go next door to the Marae.
At the Marae I help my Aunty Jalayne and Aunty Georgie which is Miss Tito’s Aunty.But at the Marae its cool and I enjoy helping with the hangi. We all do hangis for the visitors that come Saturdays. We work really hard to do that just for them and we think its good for them to try something new.
In the afternoon I went back to the library and saw April and Shontal then they had there turn on the Computer. Just after there turn I got some Money and got a feed and went to Shontal’s house and called some people. But then we went back to my house to get some Clothes which was late at night walking through Glen Innes peacefully.
Then saw some of the kids from Tamaki intermediate they had went to the shop and was roaming Glen Innes. Then got home and got my clothes said bye to my mum and left. Then we saw Ocean and Tyla Baker they were in Glen Innes with Tylas mum. We went and said hi they were waiting for Tylas mum in the shop or Chemist. April, Shontal and I saw Renee Shontal’s Sister we were told to go straight back to Aprils House safely. Walking through the park taking a sort cut through there and soon getting a safe trip back to Aprils. After all that dramatic moments in Glen Innes at night with Shontal and April we went back to her house and her mum came home with a bunch of junk food It was nice as. Soon it was the next day after a beauty sleep but also cold, we went back to the library which we were going there for about 1 and a half weeks.
Finally after a whole 2 weeks we went to school for the first day of the Term which was Term 3, !!!YAY!!! where back at school for the first term I had thought in my head so quietly I am so happy but also upset I won't see my mates from Tamaki Intermediate again but that's all goods at less I see them much more offen this term. But anyway I still miss the holidays seeing my friends at the library or in Glen Innes and the Holidays doing fun things mostly going to the library in Glen Innes.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Mum...

This is my Mum and she works at Sisters of Mercy. She is a cool mum because she takes care of me and my mum is the best. My mum's name is Malayna she was in the News paper on Friday the 18 of June. The title was MUM GIVES BACK TO SISTERS OF MERCY...
The Auckland Volcanic Field...
Every now and then, a bubble of magma pinches off from the "hot spot" and rises up through solid rock, like a bubble leaving the bottom of a pan of hot water.
Larger bubbles may go on to send liquid rock to the surface for years, building up rocky scoria cones like One Tree Hill.It is thought that Auckland’s volcanoes first began to appear between 60 000 and 140 000 years ago, starting with the eruptions of Albert Park and the Domain. The largest and most recent eruption was Rangitoto, about 600 years ago, which would have been witnessed by local Maori.
Even though the larger volcanoes like One Tree Hill and Rangitoto may have been created by successive eruptions over a period of centuries, it is unlikely that any of Auckland’s existing volcanoes will become active again
Mt Wellington..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rangitoto is one of the youngest volcanoes because it had erupted last out of all the Auckland volcanoes. It erupted 600 years ago. Its the youngest but largest, Rangitoto had emerged from sea some believe that there had been a village of people on that Island before it became a volcano.

Matariki is coming soon and this week on Thursday we are going to celebrate it at our school. We are having it because its known that a lot of tribes had celebrated Matariki. Matariki is the Maori name for a small cluster of stars also known as the seven sisters.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Auckland volcano...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Kapa Haka at the Auckland Museum...
On Sunday our KAPA HAKA group performed at the Auckland museum. We were all excited and some of us were scared as well. When we were dressed in our KAPA HAKA uniforms we got ready and put our bags in Miss Tele'a's room soon we went in the staff room and had a chat. Soon went in to the hall way and practised for a while then thought of going outside instead. Finally we saw the bus and jumped in with our awesome uniforms. Some girls were scared but decided to shake the nerves away.
After that performance we did another action song which was Taku Reo Rangatira that is my favourite one. Mrs Tele'a got a close up on my face doing a Pukana. Our girls had done awesome Pukana, we all looked like true Maori.
Later on we went back in to the room where we were preforming for group and sat on the ground to wait for it to finish. Soon we came back to school and went into the staff room and got everything of ours in Miss Tele'a's room before going home.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Volcano Report
Thursday, June 10, 2010
KAPA HAKA On wednesday
My Portrait

Friday, May 28, 2010
Personal shield

This year, Room 20 had to make a Personal Shield about some of our Information about our self's in the future. What my Personal Shield looks like and what is on it?
5 fab facts...
Friday, May 21, 2010
On Friday last week we were challenging the year 6's at Rugby we were in class soon we all had our gear ready and went straight to the hall for a quick warm up. Soon we rushed out and had a chat about what to do when they have the ball.
Finally we saw the year 6 boys come out and went and had there chat with Miss,V we all got set up on the field then we !!!STARTED!!! they took kick off we caught the ball and ran it was amazing we had a great time. But we left the ball and they got it that was not suppose to happen because someone didn't get the ball they left it and the other team got it. They were really good and when we had it we mostly got tackled that was really funny cause we think it was just a game. We went to go and tackle them but they though it and one of the boys caught it and ran though the gap because no one was there we were on the other side of the field and soon they had scored a try. Finally it was our kick off and and Shaniah kicked it off. We took a run for it we tackled around about 3 boys then Sela went and tackled Richard we were all cheering for her cause only she tackled him, that was wicked. Then the bell ring and we stop and we hoped that we could do better when we play viscount.
We packed up then we asked Mr Burt if we could play at lunchtime he said if we have a Teacher. We asked the year 7 Boys if they wanted a match of rugby with us they said yes. Then we asked some teachers. We saw a teacher on duty - she watched then walked away. One of the year 6 boys scored a try and Ms Squires came out she growled us, she said "Wheres your teacher then we said she's over there but she was on duty and she was doing her job". So we had to stop and play touch instead of rugby. Soon Miss V - our other coach came out and we asked her if we could play rugby. Seeing if she can watch us she came out on the field finally we played. We were having an awesome time yes we were going hard that was great Shontal got tackled I got the ball and ran for it Tui was holding me then let go cause he hit the ground I fell down when Tamati ankle tapped me then took the ball out of my hand. They had the ball we got them down then took the ball out of their hands then we scored a try.
Rugby against Year 6 boys
On Friday last week we were challenging the year 6's at Rugby we were in class soon we all had our gear ready and went straight to the hall for a quick warm up. Soon we rushed out and had a chat about what to do when they have the ball.
Finally we saw the year 6 boys come out and went and had there chat with Miss,V we all got set up on the field then we !!!STARTED!!! they took kick off we caught the ball and ran it was amazing we had a great time. But we left the ball and they got it that was not suppose to happen because someone didn't get the ball they left it and the other team got it. They were really good and when we had it we mostly got tackled that was really funny cause we think it was just a game. We went to go and tackle them but they though it and one of the boys caught it and ran though the gap because no one was there we were on the other side of the field and soon they had scored a try. Finally it was our kick off and and Shaniah kicked it off. We took a run for it we tackled around about 3 boys then Sela went and tackled Richard we were all cheering for her cause only she tackled him, that was wicked. Then the bell ring and we stop and we hoped that we could do better when we play viscount.
We packed up then we asked Mr Burt if we could play at lunchtime he said if we have a Teacher. We asked the year 7 Boys if they wanted a match of rugby with us they said yes. Then we asked some teachers. We saw a teacher on duty - she watched then walked away. One of the year 6 boys scored a try and Ms Squires came out she growled us, she said "Wheres your teacher then we said she's over there but she was on duty and she was doing her job". So we had to stop and play touch instead of rugby. Soon Miss V - our other coach came out and we asked her if we could play rugby. Seeing if she can watch us she came out on the field finally we played. We were having an awesome time yes we were going hard that was great Shontal got tackled I got the ball and ran for it Tui was holding me then let go cause he hit the ground I fell down when Tamati ankle tapped me then took the ball out of my hand. They had the ball we got them down then took the ball out of their hands then we scored a try.